Saturday, 10 November 2012

Paris-Brest with raspberries

We had friends over for dinner last night and this picture above is actually the dud version of the Paris-Brest I baked yesterday.  I have a tried and tested (dozens of times) recipe for choux pastry.  For some reason, I decided to try this other recipe I found in a book given to me by a friend yesterday.  The ratio of flour to  egg seemed a little odd to me, but I persisted.  The result was that the choux pastry puffed up briefly, but then collapsed once the oven temperature was lowered and never recovered.

I baked a second one using my usual recipe and fortunately that one worked much better.

I really need to learn that I need to stick with the trustworthy recipe when I'm entertaining!

Anyway, the inspiration for this dessert comes from this amazing dish I ate at Bistro Moncur almost 10 years ago.  It was actually an eclair which was crispy, with beautiful custard, buttery almond slices with the best raspberries I ever tasted in my life.

With a scary amount of egg yolks that went into the custard and the two batches of choux pastry I made, I lost count of the eggs I used yesterday.  Best not to think too much about it really.

The one I served last night looked better and had golden almond slices scattered in between and on top, but the flashlight really didn't do it justice.

Even though I used the raspberries, it still tasted pretty good.
My only regret is that it took me almost 10 years to recreate it.
It won't take that long for my next one : )

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